There Is a Fighter You Can Depend On – We Are Experts in Criminal Law
If you have been arrested or charged with a crime, you need to understand your rights under criminal law. A criminal charge is very serious. The consequences of a conviction can seriously impact your life, and the lives of your loved ones. It is important to enhance your protection and your options by seeking and experienced, dedicated, and aggressive attorney. At Butler, Norris & Gold we fight hard to protect our clients’ rights and future.
Dealing with the criminal justice system, whether in a Connecticut state criminal court or in federal court, can be intimidating, confusing and frightening. We provide our clients with a thorough explanation of the substance of any criminal charge, a description of each state in the criminal justice process, and a complete analysis of any trial defenses and constitutional law issues. We spend as much time as necessary to answer client’s questions and to educate them about the criminal justice system and criminal law. By educating our clients, we provide them with the information needed to make the right choices.
Both felony and misdemeanor charges can take away your freedom, and can be expensive, stressful, and embarrassing for your family and you, both today, and for the rest of your life. The Law Office of Butler, Norris & Gold gives you the advantage you need in order to aggressively mount a successful defense. Hiring the right criminal law lawyer is the most important decision of your life. Let Butler, Norris & Gold be a fighter for you.
For a free telephone consultation with one of our attorneys – contact us online with a brief description of your concerns.